
2014 Taipei International Book Exhibition

2014 Taipei International Book Exhibition

TiBE 2014 Yearly Theme: The Sweet Life

TiBE 2014 Guest of Honor: APPA

For the 2014 Taipei International Book Exhibition (TiBE), a total of 648 publishers from 68 countries and regions around the world participated in the 6-day event.

TiBE 2014 featured four APPA (Asia Pacific Publishers Association) members, Japan, Korea, Singapore, and Thailand, as Guests of Honor. In partnership with APPA, the Korean Publishers Association (KPA), the Japan Book Publishers Association (JBPA), the Publishers and Booksellers Association of Thailand (PUBAT), the Guest of Honor pavilion featured cultural exhibitions, professional forums, dedicated publishers, and focus writers, highlighting the latest Asia publishing trends as well as enhancing regional collaboration and further diverse cultural views worldwide.

In line with the development and manifestation of the yearly theme “The Sweet Life” TiBE 2014 featured a themed pavilion, which chronicles the beauty of living and reading in various countries around the world in four major exhibitions:

◆The Seals of Time and Footprints of Literature: Historic Artifacts and Rare Books Exhibition – an exhibition of Taiwan’s historic artifacts and rare publications.
◆Adrift in Time – an exhibition of the National Central Library’s collection of old Taiwan postcards from the 1920s to 1940s, enhanced by digital augmentation.
◆The Inheritance of Tradition – an exhibition reenacting the art of living depicted in Jen-xiang Yao’s eponymous four-volume book, which took her seven years to complete.
◆The Sweet Life Study – an exhibition of 118 books recommended by Taiwanese publishers on the theme of “The Sweet Life,” alongside those offered by related organizations from Portugal, Finland, Hungary, Poland, France, New Zealand and various Latin American countries.